祖先是汾灵参与的,在上海未来⼀公⾥ CDEX 展出的艺术项目。
“Which comes first,chicken or egg?”
有关机器、⼈之间的关系的探讨实际古⽽有之,在笛卡尔的⼼物⼆元论中,⾝体具有广延 (物理理的空间) 而不能思考,心灵则可以思考⽽不具有⼴延。在机器显示出随技术发展愈多的拟⼈特征的现在,这⼀连续性反而成为了对人类灵魂实在性根本上的质问: “人类是否具有⾼于物质性身体的灵魂?” “人类是否只是更加精密的机器?” 在这一作品中,机器与⼈间传统关系的倒置、操控,从叙事上弥合了机器乃⾄动物与人类间连续链的断裂,并对此问题进⾏行着属于本世纪的思考。
“ANCESTORS” is a cross-media art installation exhibited on North Bund Plaza “Future 1km” Exhibition at Shanghai China.
In this work, the inversion and manipulation of the traditional relationship between machines and humans bridges the breakage of the continuous chain between machines and humans from the narrative.